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[Please note: Availability & sourcing are subject to change.]

Top Stories | April 6th, 2023

Fresh Imports, Directly Sourced

Fresh Imports, Directly Sourced

  • Imported white asparagus and frisée are not new items for us, but as of this week, they’re two that we’re incredibly proud to offer. The white asparagus, from the Bordeaux region of France is not pearl white in color, but creamy, very clean, with an elevated flavor, and jumbo sizing, clocking in at over an inch. We’re receiving orders Fridays and Sundays. The frisée, from Mercia, Spain, is beautiful with enviable blanching, and a high-end chef’s dream. These heads, which are cut to order, arrive in two days, and come in ten/case. The asparagus and frisée are both directly sourced.
Tip of the Iceberg

Tip of the Iceberg

  • Transitioning fields often create temporary gaps, but this year's Arizona-to-California veg transition is especially tough due to Cali's cold, rainy winter season. This year’s first victims are broccoli, cauliflower, and iceberg, all experiencing shorter supplies while we wait for California fields come online. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning: Romaine, romaine hearts, red leaf, and green leaf, are all just a short time away from trickling supplies and a pricing uptick.
Jimmy Nardello & Morel Excitement

Jimmy Nardello & Morel Excitement

  • This spring, we've sourced ultra-popular Jimmy Nardello peppers from a Florida grower parter to jump start our supply ahead of the summer crops' arrivals later in the summer. We received the first arrival Tuesday, kicking off its three-to-four-week season. These are true Nardellos, grown from the same heirloom seed used during the summer months to produce this special frying pepper. First of the season California morels landed over the weekend and sold out immediately. More are expected tonight. As a reminder, Cali’s morels experience a short three-week season, before transition to the PNW fields with Michigan to follow.
Mango Mania

Mango Mania

  • As mangos rise in popularity amongst retail customers and diners, our team set a goal to bring in not only the best mangos out there, but also new varieties. We now offer Mingolo out of the Dominican Republic, and soon, new super cool Sugar Mangos from Goldenberry Farms in Colombia. Mingolos are super sweet and similar to champagnes, with very few fibers and equivalent sizing. The first cases came in last week, and sold out quickly with more arrivals o
Berry News: The Sweet and The Sour

Berry News: The Sweet and The Sour

  • We're still seeing the effects of the Cali rains in strawberries, with reduced supplies and an increase in quality issues. Blueberries are also short and what does arrive is expensive. Luckily, raspberries and blackberries are having their moment in the spotlight with good quality and supplies. In addition to conventional and organic, we also have stunning Driscoll’s Limited Edition Sweetest Batch raspberries and lovely Family Tree Farms blackberries, a relatively new arrival.
Spring Specialty Produce Planner

Spring Specialty Produce Planner

  • Just in time for spring menu planning, we’ve put together a Spring Specialty Produce Planning Guide! Based on arrival dates from previous years and ETA’s from our farm partners, these are our best predictions for spring arrivals.


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Locally Sourced

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Locally Sourced

Most apples are still plentiful; only Honeycrisps are getting tighter & more expensive. Organic Envy apples are in stock, packed in 40 CT Euro boxes (ZAP99E).RubyFrosts, SnapDragons & both conventional and organic Opals continue.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: South America Season: January - August Details:

Apples flourish in the colder areas of Central and Southern Chile. These regions grow more than 20 varieties, but their major exports are Gala, Braeburn and Fuji.

Region: Northeast Season: August - November Details:

New York is one of the country's top apple producers, second only to Washington State in annual production. The Northeast is also home to a number of small, family-owned farms that focus on rare heirloom varieties. 

Region: West Coast Season: August - December Details:

Washington State grows more than half of US apple production. Although harvest happens in the fall, storage crops from this region remains on the market almost year-round.

Prep & Storage

  • Optimum storage conditions for apples are a temperature near 32 degrees Fahrenheit and a relative humidity between 90 and 95 percent.


Current Market

18 CTS will be short this week but we have plenty 12 CT in stock.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: Year-Round Details:

California accounts for over 99% of commercial artichoke production in the United States. Though they are available year-round, peak growing season is March through May. 


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Best Buy

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Best Buy

Asparagus is in peak production in MEX now with prices much lower; quality is excellent. Thin white stalks (11 LBS) & slightly thicker, shorter Peruvian whites continue. Organic green asparagus from MEX is plentiful and well-priced.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California/ Washington Season: March - June Details:

Green asparagus pops up domestically before the official start of spring. It starts in southern California and gradually moves north. The stalks are generally thicker with purple tips, though still considered green asparagus.


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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

Avocados have taken a big jump in price due to problems crossing the border from MEX into TX, and from the recent storm havoc Texas is currently experiencing.

Prep & Storage

The right size is always in season. Learn more here


Current Market

Bananas are still priced on the high side due to past storms in Honduras; no change yet.


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Best Buy

Green beans are better, supply & price-wise, as more growing regions come on. However, this could change soon due to Texas' sudden freeze this week. GUAT/MEX French, Yellow wax beans & Pero Farms snipped beans are best buys.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: Year-Round Details:

Shelling beans are in from August to October. Fava beans last from March through July and Mann Packing's stringless Tenderbite beans are available year round.

Region: Guatemala Season: Year-Round Details:

About three-quarters of Guatemalan production of snow peas, sugar snap peas and French beans is exported to the US. Guatemala is the most consistent supplier of these crops to the U.S. market.

Region: Mexico Season: September - March Details:

Fava beans and English peas move to Mexico in early fall and stay there until the following spring. They tend to be a little larger and starchier, but look great aesthetically. 

Region: Southeast Season: June - September Details:

String beans from the southeast are some of the best we see all year. When weather cooperates, they arrive sweet with strong vegetal flavors because they are only 2 days away in travel time.

Region: Northeast Season: May - September Details:

NJ has green beans into September and artisanal growers in NY grow varieties such as Maxibel, yellow wax, Flageolet, Fava and cranberry beans on and off into November. The volumes are small however, and most are organically grown.

Prep & Storage

  • For shelling beans - if you're going to use the beans within a couple of days, simply refrigerate them in the pods. If you're going to store them for a little longer, shuck them first.


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Best Buy

New arrival: Org mixed baby beets from County Line Harvest in CA. Goodhealthy's NY org baby beet greens, with roots, continue. All sack beets from MI are best buys. Gold, org, peeled, and baby beets with tops are all steady.


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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

All strawberries are still struggling due to rain and/or cold weather in growing regions, which now includes FLA's upcoming crop. Raspberry supplies are slowly increasing; blueberries are plentiful, and moving into MEX, which mean less time in transit, better quality. Blackberries are higher.

Prep & Storage

Once you bring your fresh berries home, the key to keeping it fresh is to kill any spores on the fruit.  The pH of vinegar does that job. Wash them in a vinegar-water bath:  1 cup of white vinegar and 8 cups of water. Let the berries sit in the vinegar-water bath, gently moving them to help dislodge any dirt, grime and letting the vinegar kill spores and bacteria. Drain the berries in a colander and then thoroughly rinse the fruit (to remove any vinegar flavor).

Berries Specialty

Current Market

We have new pink & white strawberries in from Mike Lott Family Farms in FLA. Driscoll's Sweetest Batch blueberries & blackberries are in limited supply, pricing higher.

Broccoli & Broccoli Rabe

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Best Buy

Yuma, AZ broccoli and crowns are good, including FLA's Stagg label broccoli that we have in stock. Steady supplies & pricing on D'Arrigo org/conv broccoli rabe. Organic broccoli & broccolini are best buys. Org broccoli di Ciccio continues.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: May - October Details:

California grows over 90 percent of the broccoli in the U.S.There are many varieties of broccoli, the most common being the Calabrese variety, named for Calabria where it came from.

Region: Maine Season: June - October Details:

Research teams are working with growers in the East to determine if they are able to extend the growing seasons with some of the newer hybrids.

Region: Yuma, Arizona Season: November - April Details:

Arizona is the country's second largest broccoli grower. The desert area of Yuma grows 12, 000 acres of broccoli every year.

Prep & Storage

Store broccoli as close to 32 degrees Fahrenheit as possible without actually freezing the vegetable. At this temperature, given ideal airflow and humidity, broccoli lasts upwards of 21 to 28 days. The warmer the storage temperature, the shorter the shelf life.

Brussels Sprouts

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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

Baby green Brussels sprouts are short this week due to bad weather in Holland; supplies won't get much better until they transition to the UK in the fall. Domestic Brussels sprouts are steady. Stalk Brussels sprouts, and cleaned & shredded sprouts continue.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: May - October Details:

The Salinas region of California is the source for our summer supply of Brussels sprouts. We source from here when we can't get them from locations closer to us.

Region: Mexico Season: November - April Details:

Production comes from the Mexicali, San Luis and coastal areas of Mexico, where cool temperatures and the coastal fog that are characteristic of this district, are ideal.

Region: Holland Season: August - April Details:

Most of Dutch crop is grown in the province of Zuid-Holland. Large loose Holland Brussels are uniform in size. Green baby Brussels sprouts start in September, followed by a smaller crop of baby purples.

Region: Northeast Season: September - November Details:

Artisan Hudson Valley famers grow limited amounts of Brussels sprouts organically, both loose and still attached to their stalk, which makes a great autumn decoration.

Prep & Storage

Store Brussels sprouts in a plastic bag in your  crisper, where they'll keep for at least one week, if not a little longer. Sprouts still on the stalk will stay fresh longer than those sold individually.


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Peak Season

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Peak Season

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Best Buy

All commodity cabbages continue to be best buys this week. Conventional CA Caraflex cabbage continues.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: George, Florida & Texas Season: December - May Details:

Although California grows most of the country's cabbage, we buy from these southern states in winter because they are closer and take less time to reach us by truck.

Region: Northeast Season: June - November Details:

New York and New Jersey grow most of the local cabbage we sell in the warmer months, including Nappa and Bok Choy varieties.

Prep & Storage

Keep your cabbage whole until you plan to use it. When you cut cabbage in half, it begins to lose its vitamin C. Store the cabbage in the crisper of your fridge. Keeping your cabbage cold will help it retain its nutrients and crisp texture.


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Locally Sourced

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Locally Sourced

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Peak Season

Cal-Organic jumbo/cello carrot limitations continue but their cello carrots are more plentiful now. Commodity carrots (CAR & CAR10) are finished in CAN & moving to the new Israeli crop. Norwich Meadows Farm org orange & rainbow carrots continue.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: Year-Round Details:

California grows 80-90% of the US carrot crop and is our primary source for fresh carrots. Production is mainly in the southern and central coasts.

Region: Canada Season: July - August Details:

Carrots are grown in all regions of Canada, and enjoy long, cool growing seasons there. The majority of carrot production occurs in Ontario (44%) and Quebec (35%). This is where we source carrots for processing.

Region: Israel Season: March - June Details:

We source carrots from here during this period mainly for processing.

Region: Georgia + Mexico Season: June - August Details:

We source carrots from here during this period mainly for processing.

Region: New York Season: June - March Details:

Production is small in NY, mostly centered on small, independent farmers. Northeast carrots are grown both organically and conventionally. Their ten month availability window includes local storage carrots.

Prep & Storage

Once the greens are trimmed off, all you have to do to keep the carrots crisp and fresh is put them in a container of water and store in the refrigerator. Whole carrotsstay nice and crunchy in their cold water bath, and this is also a great way to storepackaged baby carrots.

Cauliflower & Romanesco

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Best Buy

Org/conv cauliflowers are best buys this week. Mann's Caulalini (3x2 LBS & 2 LBS) are both in stock. We also have Church Brothers Farms caulalini (packed 8 LBS).

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: May - October Details:

California is the major cauliflower-producing state in the United States, growing about 90 percent of the nation's supply. In 2016, total U.S. cauliflower production was 666.1 million pounds.

Region: Yuma, Arizona Season: November - April Details:

The same growers who supply us in California move their fields to warmer Yuma for the rest of winter into early spring, with quality the same.

Region: Maine Season: July - October Details:

Cauliflower needs warm weather to grow and the Maine crop comes on in the height of summer. Both large and small heads come with full jacket on.

Region: New York Season: September - October Details:

We get beautiful cauliflower from LI and the Finger Lakes regions towards end of summer. Orange and purple varieties are available also in smaller amounts. Romanesco are steady from this region for the full two month window.

Prep & Storage

Transfer to a loosely sealed plastic bag, with a paper towel tucked in to absorb any excess moisture. Whole heads of cauliflower can be kept in a loosely sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator for 4 to 7 days. Precut florets should be stored for no more than 4 days.


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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

Org/conv celery & celery hearts are in much better supply this week.

Citrus, Grapefruits

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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

Due to the Texas freeze, their Ruby Red grapefruit crop was cut short, putting pressure on the entire grapefruit market with prices higher. Red Globe Pommelos (PO2) are finished for the season. Org and/or unwaxed specialty grapefruits continue from Garcia Organic Farm & Bernard Ranches.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: Florida (Red Grapefruit) Season: October - April Details:

75% of Florida’s grapefruits are grown in the Indian River region of the state. It is considered the best growing region because of its built-in freeze protection from the nearby Gulf Stream and buffering swamp lands.

Region: California Season: January - April Details:

Most grapefruit orchards are located in the Coachella and Imperial desert regions. The San Joaquin Valley picks up in March and lasts into May. Pommelo, Oroblanco and Melogold hybrids from California run from November to March.

Region: Texas Season: October - April Details:

Texas Rio Star grapefruits love the sub tropical climate of the lower Rio Grande Valley. The dark red color and extreme juiciness and sweetness make is one of American's favorite grapefruits.

Region: Florida (White Grapefruit) Season: April - June Details:

Marsh white grapefruits account for 40% of Florida's entire grapefruit crop. With their pale yellow flesh, then have a mildly tart flavor and crisp aroma.

Prep & Storage

Store whole grapefruit at room temperature up to a week, or for 2 to 3 weeks in the refrigerator. Tip: You'll find grapefruit to be juicier and sweeter if you return it to room temperature right before serving.

Citrus, Lemons

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Peak Season

New unwaxed Meyers are in from Bernard Ranches. Organic Meyers continue from Garcia Organic Farm. Variegated pink lemons are in now, but will start a two month gap soon. Sorrento Lemons, from Italy's Amalfi coast are here.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California/ Arizona/ Mexico Season: February - August Details:

Sunkist is our biggest supplier of lemons from all over the world. Demand increases during the summer months, often exceeding supply. Mexican and/or Chilean-grown lemons are then brought in to supplement.

Region: Mexico/ Chile Season: Year round Details:

These lemons tend to be a little less sweet than California lemons, but are otherwise similar in shape and juice content.

Region: California/ Arizona Season: December - early May Details:

A cross between a true lemon and a mandarin, thin-skinned Meyer Lemons are domestically grown in winter. They thrive in dry, temperate coastal climates and require little rainfall or irrigation.

Region: New Zealand Season: May - November Details:

Meyers move to the southern hemisphere during our summer months. Their skin color leans a little more towards orange and is similarly very thin skinned with abundant, mild juice.

Citrus, Limes

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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

The lime markethas shot up, prices higher due to bad weather in their MEX growing region. Finger Limes from CA Shanley Farms are in.

Featured Items

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: Year round Details:

The Persian lime is the most common variety, more resistant to disease and pests, and seedless with a thicker rind. Specialty limes now grown in California include Rangpur, Eustis Limequats, Finger Limes and Palestinian Sweet Limes.

Region: Mexico Season: Year round Details:

Limes account for 11.3% of Mexico's total fruit production and the United States is the world's largest importer of Mexican limes (640 thousand tons in 2017). The most popular cultivars in Mexico are the Persian and Key limes.

Region: Florida Season: June - August Details:

Key Limes are available from Florida duirng the summer months. These are small, extremely juicy limes, very aromatic and prized by bakers for their complex, acidic flavor.

Region: Mexico Season: Year - round Details:

Key Limes importee from Mexico are juicy, seed-filled and aromatic, prized for their complex, acidic flavor. They have a juice content of over 40%.

Citrus, Oranges

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Peak Season

An astounding variety continues: bald and stem & leaf mandarins, kumquats, tangelos, bloods, and both heirloom & Cara Cara navels are all in their high season. Check our Peak Season report for a comprehensive citrus listing. We have plenty Sumo citrus in stock.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: late October - April Details:

Navels and Cara Caras are available all through winter and into early spring. Domestic Blood Oranges start in December with the Moro variety and ends in April with Tarocco and Sanguinelli varieties.

Region: California Season: February - August Details:

Valenicas become available in late winter and last through summer. Valencias make good juicing oranges, especially the organic variety that come from California during this period.

Region: Florida Season: November - February Details:

FL  juicing oranges are small, thin-skinned, and sweet. Late season juicing oranges in Florida are the Pineapple variety. AmberSweets, which start in January, peel and section easily and are even sweeter.

Prep & Storage

Oranges don't ripen any further once they've been picked and the refrigerator is the best place for maximimizing their shelf life. At room temperature, oranges usually keep for up to one week — in your fridge, they'll generally stay fresh for three to four weeks.

Citrus, Specialty

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Peak Season

Polito Family Farm's juicing Valencias are in. Conv Sumo citrus & Bergamot continue, as does Garcia Organic Farms org Page & Satsuma mandarins & mandarinquats. Tango mandarins start next week. Seville oranges are finished for the season.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: October - April Details:

The first Buddha's Hands and Kaffir limes start in early fall, and we receive a continuous flow of variegated pink lemons, Sumo citrus, Bergamot, Ruby Tangos, Yuzu, and many more right through early spring.

Region: Florida, Louisiana, Chile & Mexico Season: November - May Details:

The majority of kumquats in the U.S. are grown in California, with a small crop from Louisiana and Florida late in the year. Chile ships just a head of the Calif. crop and Mexico also ships sporadically.

Region: Italy Season: February - July Details:

Sorrento Lemons from the Amalfi Coast are becoming more popular and recognized in the U.S. every year. 

Region: California Season: December - April Details:

Bernard Ranch heirloom navels, Meyer lemons, tangelos, grapefruits and limes are exceptional-tasting citrus fruits grown by a family-owned farm in Riverside.

Prep & Storage

Buddha's Hand and Etrog can be stored at cool room temperature for up to two weeks or refrigerated for up to four weeks. Store Kaffir limes and yuzu citrus the way you would store limes. 

Cooking Greens

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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

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Tuscan kale, dandelion, collards, spinach & all color chards are best buys. Org red kale is plentiful (ZKA0). Stay tuned for fluctuating markets on Texas cooking greens, as this week's ice storm could drastically change forecasts. Growers are still assessing the damage.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: Year - Round Details:

There are always varieties of leafy greens available at one time or another from California. Bunch Spinach and Lacinato Kale are the major crops.

Region: South Season: November - March Details:

Mustards, collards, escarole, chicories and Lacinato kale move to the southeastern states of Florida, Georgia and Texas through winter.

Region: Ohio & Michigan Season: July - December Details:

Cabbage, spinach, chard, and heartier greens grow better in cooler weather. Once full summer hits in the northeast, we move to Ohio and southern Michigan for our late summer - early autumn supplies. 

Region: Northeast Season: March - November Details:

The first local greens to arrive are wild dandelion from N.J., followed by over-wintered spinach, parsley and leeks. New-crop cooking greens get going the second week of June.

Prep & Storage

Line a plastic storage container with paper towels, dump the leafy greens in an even layer on top, and covered it with another layer of paper towels before locking down the lid. The paper towels will absorb the moisture and allow your leafy greens to last longer! 


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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

 Yellow & bi-color corn is still struggling & will continue to struggle through most of March, due to early east coast storms this fall. Whatever we do have is only 80% full kernel.


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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

Select slicing cucumbers are a little higher this week due to rain in fields; prices expected to drop back down soon. Kirbys are extremely limited, very costly due to cold/wet weather and flooding in fields. Org 1/2 bushel cukes are tighter due to decreased MEX production and prices are up. We have plenty of org English cukes in stock (ZCU3).

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: Canada & Mexico Season: Year-Round Details:

Hothouse-grown, these English-style cucumbers are classified as burpless cucumbers. They all have thin, edible skin, are sweet and crisp with good moisture content.

Region: South Season: September - May Details:

We source our field-grown slicing and pickling cucumbers from the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida when our local season ends in August.

Region: Northeast Season: late June - September Details:

NJ grows most of the field-grown table and pickling cukes in summer while smaller, family-owned farms in NY and PA grow specialty varieties in different sizes. Some have thin, tender, edible skin; others are for pickling.

Prep & Storage

  • Wrap the cucumber in plastic wrap. Keeping thecucumber wrapped minimizes the amount of moisture on the cucumber, which slows the process of decay. After wrapping, put the cucumber in the refrigerator. This should keep it cold enough to stay fresh for one week to 10 days.


Current Market

Local red currants from NJ are finished for the season.


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Best Buy

Prices on Holland-style, large globe, and graffiti eggplant from Spain are finally heading down after a few tough weeks; quality is always consistent. Domestic eggplant is steady and a best buy. Org MEX eggplant is back in this weekend.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: Georgia Season: June - October Details:

Georgia is the second largest eggplant producing state in the country. Reasons for sourcing from Georgia might include lower pricing, or better availablity due to local weather/supply issues.

Region: Florida Season: November - June Details:

South Florida is the main region for eggplant production in Florida. Both Italian-style baby and large size eggplants are come from here during our winter.

Region: New Jersey Season: July - early September Details:

The large, regular "American" or "Harris" eggplant variety is the predominant type grown in southern Jersey, with smaller production of baby Italian, and slender Japanese varieties.

Region: New York, Pennsylvania, Season: July - early September Details:

Local growers produce many different varieties of organic eggplant for our region . Many are small, exotic Asian varieties.

Region: Holland Season: late March - October Details:

Holland hothouse graffiti, white and Italian style Holland eggplant plus baby varieties peak in spring and summer.

Region: Spain Season: November - February Details:

Hothouse style eggplant moves to Spain during the winter months. Graffiti and Italian style thrive here, but the white variety is more limited. Baby eggplant are not cultivated in Spain at all


Current Market

CA conv/org bulb fennel is good quality again with steady supplies now.


Current Market

MEX Black Missions are steady.

Fresh Herbs

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Best Buy

New arrival: Organic Clover Sprouts from Jonathan Organics. The rosemary, thyme & sage trio continues from Satur Farms. Also, look for our new, local, organic microgreen selection from Gilbertie's in CT. Cratedill & cilantro and both parsleys are now best buys.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: Year-Round Details:

Parsley, chervil and cilantro are harvested here year-round when available. Because fresh herbs are the most delicate of commodities, weather issues often cause shortages in one region - hence, our global network of herb suppliers.

Region: Middle East Season: Year - Round Details:

Israel and Palestine, with their arid climate, provide the ideal growing conditions for herbs such as basil, chives and thyme.

Region: Columbia & Mexico Season: Year - Round Details:

Columbia and Mexico have climates that are very suitable for herbs. We primarily source from these Columbia to supplement supplies when other regions are limited.

Region: Northeast Season: July - November Details:

Herbs that can withstand cool weather - tarragon, rosemary, parsley and oregano - last locally into October. Basil, chives and cilantro are local only through September. We source local herbs from family farms in NJ, NY, CT + PA. 

Prep & Storage

The best way to store fresh herbs is to snip off the bottom of the stems, make sure the leaves are completely dry, fill a jar or a water glass partially with water and place the stem ends of the herbs into the water in the jar, and place in the fridge covered loosely with a plastic bag.


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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

New arrival: Org green spring garlic from Knoll Farms in CA. Prices on Chinese garlic are higher again due to delays at ports combined with the Lunar New Year. Pricing will remain high until at least the beginning of March.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: Year round Details:

Christopher Ranch garlic in Gilroy, is the country's most renowned producer of high quality whole heads and peeled garlic cloves.

Region: Northeast Season: April - Sept Details:

Green garlic arrives from several organic growers in our region at the same time. Garlic scapes and ramps peak during this period. Organic garlic heads becomes available from several small local farms during this time.

Region: China Season: Year round Details:

Chinese garlic is less costly than garlic from California, Spain and other producing countries. China is also a major producer of peeled garlic cloves.

Region: France Season: Year round Details:

Garlic braids, smoked over wood in a centuries-old tradition, are imported from the Basque region France for their unusual flavor, aroma and decorative appearance. They are available through special order only.


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Best Buy

South American Cotton Candy grapes continue. New crop org white & red grapes from a new region in southern Peru are set to arrive this weekend with much better quality than we've had lately. Conv red & green SA grapes are a best buy.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: June - December Details:

From Coachella in June then San Joaquin Valley picks up and lasts into Dec. Specialty varieties start later in July and last into Nov. Jumbo, seedless red Scarlottas and white Autum Kings run from Oct through Nov.

Region: South America Season: December - May Details:

We usually switch over to Chilean supplies by mid-December. Chilean grapes arrive right before Christmas. We continue there until California starts harvesting late May.

Region: Mexico Season: May - June Details:

Baldor makes a short dip into the Mexican grape season before the California grapes are steady with good pricing. Red Flames and Thompsons comprise the largest import variety from Mexico.

Region: Arizona Season: July - September Details:

Champagne grapes, also known as Black Cornith or Zante Currants are the earliest domestic grapes to arrive every year. After a short, July run in Arizona, we start sourcing them from California through early fall.

Region: Northeast Season: late August - November Details:

The Finger Lakes of N.Y. state is a premier table and wine grape-growing region producing east coast varieties include Concords, Niagaras, Canadice and Purple Mars.

Prep & Storage

Place grapes into a sealed plastic bag or airtight container without washing them. Store your grapes in the back of the refrigerator. Separate stacks of grapes when buying in bulk to promote air circulation. Grapes will stay fresh for up to three weeks if stored correctly.

Lettuce & Salads

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Best Buy

Conv/org romaine/hearts, iceberg, green/red Leaf & Boston lettuce from Yuma, AZ, are steady, with good pricing. B&W red watercress continues. Org/conv frisée choices are good this week. Crate arugula, Arcadian Harvest Blend, baby iceberg & spring mixes are best buys.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: Year - Round Details:

Salinas supplies 1/2 of the country's lettuce crop. From Dec through March, production moves to the state's southern desert region. Small farms growing in Petaluma, Thermal and Riverside supply us throughout fall and winter.

Region: Arizona Season: November - early April Details:

Nationally, Arizona ranks second only to California in head, leaf and romaine lettuce production. 95% of the state's crop is grown in the Yuma Valley which enjoys moderate winters.

Region: Ohio, Michigan & Canada Season: July - September Details:

When it gets too hot in the height of summer, we briefly source field-grown lettuces from these three regions. Besides being only one day away in transit, these areas boast plenty, land, water and labor - factors.

Region: Northeast Season: late June - November Details:

NY, NJ, PA and MA are major salad producers throughout summer and fall. Along with commercial growers, there are many small, independent farms growing specialty and/or organic head and lettuce mixes for the region.

Region: Southeast Season: Year - Round Details:

B&W and Satur Farms grow in different regions throughout the year. Satur Farms moves from Long Island down to FL mid-December - May. B&W travels between Tennessee and Florida for steady supplies of their pre-washed baby greens.

Prep & Storage

  • Line a plastic storage container with paper towels, dump the lettuce in an even layer on top, and covered it with another layer of paper towels before locking down the lid. The paper towels will absorb the moisture and allow your lettuce and salads to last longer! 

Lettuce Salad Specialty

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Peak Season

County Line Harvest's baby Casper kale (ZKA3C) & mixed chicories are special. Check out their many boutique lettuce on our Peak Season report. CA Rosa Radicchio is in stock as is Rosa di Gorizia from Italy. Other Italian radicchios & chicories continue. New Little Gems Sweet Hearts (60 CTS) are here (LET4SH).


Current Market

New! Organic Ataulfo mangos (14 -18 CT) are in! We have better supplies now of both organic and conventional mangos coming into our ports from Peru, with prices also dropping a bit.


Current Market

While honeydews from Central America haven't been great lately, we can recommend the MEX's new arrivals, which are showing higher sugar counts. Honduras cantaloupes are eating a little better, but there are still low sugar reports on most Honduran fruit. Cavaillon melons from the Dominican Republic continue.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: June - November Details:

West Side Melons are considered the most fragrant and best tasting in the world. Desert melons from the south are harvested mid October to early December. Heirloom melons arrive from southern California in June.

Region: Yuma, AZ Season: November - mid December Details:

Melons transition to the Arizona desert for a brief one-month run before moving off-shore. Varieties are mostly honeydew and cantaloupes with a few specialty varieties in the mix,

Region: Central America Season: December - March Details:

Most of our winter melons come from Guatemala and Honduras with lesser amounts from Panama.

Region: Mexico Season: March - June Details:

Honeydews, cantaloupes, seedless watermelons, and yellow flesh watermelons from Mexico fill a late winter melon gap. They last into spring, before California and our own local melon season gets going.

Region: South Season: May - June Details:

We go to Texas during this period for their excellent honeydew, cantaloupes and watermelons. Melons are also pulled from Delaware and the Carolinas during this period.

Region: Northeast Season: August - September Details:

Local musk melons, true cantanoupes, Sugar Babies, yellow flesh and Sangria watermelons with seeds show up from the east in late summer.

Region: California Season: Early May Details:

The earliest Origami cantaloupes and honeydews start in Brawley, which is located in the Imperial Valley in southern California.


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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

Chanterelles are now new-crop from Europe. Hedgehog & Black Trumpets are tighter this week due to the sudden cold blast that hit the PNW. Bluefoots are in from Europe, Morels are here from China & we have plenty South African porcinis. Only shiitake Bs from China are tight, due to port delays.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: Pennsylvania & Rhode Island Season: Year - Round Details:

When wild mushroom varieties are grown in a controlled environment, they are referred to as "cultivated wild" mushrooms. These include white, Cremini, Shitake, Portobello, Oyster, Maitake, and Pioppino, and several other varieties.

Region: Pacific Northwest Season: Year - Round Details:

Black Trumpets, Chanterelles, Hedgehogs, Matsutake, Porcini, Cauliflower, Chicken of the Woods, Yellowfoots and Lobster mushrooms pop up in the wild at different times throughout the whole year.

Region: France & Holland Season: Year - Round Details:

Bluefoots are medium-sized, cultivated mushrooms from Europe. They are a pretty lavender color, and are mild, clean, and firm with a low water content.

Region: Europe & Morocco Season: April - December Details:

Several wild mushroom varieties move to Eastern Europe, Spain, Morocco and France during the warmer months. Mousseron, St. George and Amanita Caesarea (Ovoli) are a few of the more exotic varieties we import in limited amounts.

Region: South Africa Season: October - April Details:

Fresh wild Porcini from here are grown at very high elevations and, therefore, are almost completely worm-free. They arrive whole and intact as they don't have to be split open to check for pests.

Prep & Storage

Prepackaged mushrooms should stay in the package. Keep fresh mushrooms in a paper bag or in a damp cloth bag in the refrigerator. This allows them to breathe so they stay firm longer. Avoid storing mushrooms in a plastic bag, which causes them to deteriorate quickly.


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Locally Sourced

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Locally Sourced

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Best Buy

New arrival: org red spring onions from Knoll Farms in CA & the first wild spring onions from the Pacific Northwest. Org red & yellow onions from Lancaster Farm Fresh in PA continue. Domestic leeks are a best buy.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California/ Washington/ Oregon/Idaho Season: Year round Details:

Mild spring onion from California and the Pacific Northwest often pop us as early as late January and last into early Autumn. Yellow spanish onions start in June and continue through February.

Region: South Season: March - early June Details:

Spanish cooking Onions are sourced from Texas starting in March, finish early June, then move to New Mexico.

Region: Georgia/ Texas Season: late March - late September Details:

Full size Georgia Vidalia onions start in June and can extend in storage through November. 1015 sweet onions are available from south Texas from March through September.

Region: Peru Season: October - February Details:

Peru offers the same sandy soils and climate found in southeast Georgia, allowing the production of sweet onions during the off-season.

Region: California Season: April - May (onions) Year round (garlic) Details:

Knoll Farms Red Topedo Onions and Martin Farms Red Purplette Spring Onions are some of the more unique vaireites that sprout in early spring.

Region: Northeast Season: April - Sept Details:

Yellow spring onions and green garlic arrives from several organic growers in our region at the same time.

Region: Mexico Season: February - April Details:

Mexican grown sweet onions enjoy a brief two month run in early spring, allowing us to get a jump on the start of our own southern growing season.


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Peak Season

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Peak Season

PNW conventional Bartletts, Comice, D'Anjou, Forelles & Seckels continue. Org Barletts are finished for the season; Argentina's org Bartletts arrive next week. Org brown Boscs, Golden Boscs & D'Anjous continue.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: Pacific Northwest Season: September - April Details:

Oregon and Washington grow 80% of the country's crop. Organic and coventional pears thrive in the cooler climates of the northern, coastal regions. Comice, Bosc, D'Anjou, Seckels, Starkimsons, and Bartletts are some of the varieties.

Region: New York Season: September - December Details:

New-crop pears from the Hudson Valley are harvested fresh in fall and continue in storage through spring. We carry only fresh harvest local autumn pears in limited amounts.

Region: South America Season: April - July Details:

We bring South American pears in when domestic pears are all out of storage. Abate Fetal pears are now Chilean-grown and prized for their elegant elongated shape, sweetness and fragrance.

Region: Pennsylvania, California & Washington Season: September - December Details:

Local Asian pears start arriving locally from Subarashii Kudamono growers in mid-September, and then from Kingsburg Orchards in California. The latest arrival is from Washington in early October.

Prep & Storage

Unlike other fruits, pears ripen from the inside out so by the time they are soft on the outside, the inside flesh may be overripe and mealy. Ripe pears should be stored in a refrigerator set at 35 to 45 degrees. Leave unripe pears at room temperature in order to induce ripening.


Current Market

CA English-style peas in their shell & shelled are tighter this week and higher priced. Pricing is coming down on GUAT snow & sugar snap peas.


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Field conv red and yellow peppers are improving; high demand on yellows is keeping them costly. Green peppers are a best buy, Suntans are steady. Mini Sweets are tight, higher. Prices down on CAN hothouse colored bell peppers.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: Holland, Canada & Mexico Season: May - November Details:

Colored peppers are native to Holland and their thick-walled, sweet, hothouse peppers are grown in a controlled environment from seed. Canada is also a major supplier. Mexico's crop runs year round.

Region: Israel, Dominican Republic & Mexico Season: November - April Details:

We dip into all three regions during the colder months of the year.

Region: Northeast Season: July - October Details:

Green peppers thrive in New Jersey, Long Island and Pennsylvania during the warmer months. Field-grown peppers display a more vegetal flavor than hothouse grown.

Region: South Season: November - June Details:

Field green pepper production moves to the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida once cooler weather arrives up north.

Region: West Coast Season: Year - Round Details:

Red and yellow field grown peppers start their season north in the Fresno area, then move down to Oxnard and San Diego. Packed 25 pounds, they are an indispensible utility pepper in every commercial kitchen.

Prep & Storage

Put peppers in perforated plastic bags and store them in the crisper of your refrigerator.


Current Market

Delmonte's PinkGlow label pink pineapples are available in 1 CT & 6 CT. Hummingbird Dream pink pineapples (2 CTS) are also in; prices are high on all. Golden pineapples from Costa Rica are plentiful again; pricing down.


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Idaho GPOD potatoes are a best buy. Prized potatoes from Hatfield, MA, Quebec & Prince Edward Island are all running now. Local, organic potatoes continue. White sweet potatoes are still a best buy.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: Idaho Season: October - August Details:

GPOD Russet Burbanks start their new seaon every October and typically gap for 2-3 weeks in September. Idaho Russet Norkotahs harvested in early fall by various other growers are available during this gap and throughout the year.

Region: Pacific Northwest Season: June - November Details:

Weiser Family Farms comes out with their new heirloom potatoes every June. Kennebec fryers and new-crop creamers continue into fall. Organic creamer potatoes come from Oregon this time of year.

Region: South Season: June - September Details:

Florida new potato season peaks between late spring and late winter. Reds, whites, yellows and chef's varieties arrive in a, b, and c sizes.

Region: Massachusetts, Carolinas, Virginia & Delaware Season: July - October Details:

New red, white and yellow potatoes arrive from all these states in the height of summer.

Region: Canada, Maine & New York Season: September - March Details:

Prince Edward Island is the largest potato producer in Canada. U.S. chefs anxiously await their start in early Autumn because the island's rich, red, sandy soil produces extremely flavorful, earthy-tasting potatoes.

Region: Pennsylvania Season: June - November Details:

Local organic potatoes from Lancaster Farms include Beauregard yams, Fingerling sweet potatoes and purple sweet potatoes.

Prep & Storage

Potatoes keep best when placed in a well-ventilated container and stored in a dry location, away from sunlight, and at temperatures between 45 and 55 degrees F.

Root Vegetables

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Peak Season

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Best Buy

Org Hinona Kabu & baby turnips continue from County Line Harvest in CA. Conv parsnips & white turnips are still best buys.

County Line Harvest's org French Breakfast radishes return next week. Goodhealthy's org baby French Breakfast & Easter Egg radishes with greens are in. Conv bunched radishes with tops are still are best buys.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California & Oregon Season: Year - Round Details:

Baby colored beets and variety radishes are a staple in south central California. Sunchokes move between both states, keep availability nearly year round.

Region: Michigan & Ohio Season: Year - Round Details:

This region of the midwest is a major supplier of the loose large colored beets, sack beets, parsnips, turnips, and radishes we carry all year.

Region: Northeast Season: September - November Details:

Radishes, beets, turnips, rutabaga and sunchokes thrive locally in fall and early winter, then go into storage. Most organic root vegetables come from small, artisan farms in NY, PA and NJ.

Region: South Florida Season: November - April Details:

Bunch and cello radishes move to Florida as winter approaches.

Region: Belgium Season: October - April Details:

The new season for celery knob and salsify starts in autumn and last through late spring. From May on, storage crop is available right through the year.

Prep & Storage

Place unwashed turnips in a perforated plastic bag and store in the crisper. They should keep for at least 1 week and up to 3. Parsnips tend to lose moisture quickly when they are exposed to air. To store them, wrap them in paper towels and place in a perforated plastic bag in the crisper.

Local, org Purple Bordeaux, Watermelon & Winter Mix radishes continue. Goodhealthy's organic baby French Breakfast & Easter Egg radishes with greens are in. Conv bunched radishes with tops are in & are best buys.


Current Market

Extra fancy hothouse rhubarb from WA is steady.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: October - December Details:

Mandarin is the name given to all types of small, zipper skin citrus fruits with easily separating segments. Satsumas are the first to arrive. Other common varieties include clementines, Page, Pixie and Honey. 

Region: Spain & Morocco Season: November - January Details:

Considered to be the best clementine mandarins, often shipped in gift box wooden crates for the holiday season. Supple and sweet with zipper skin.

Featured Growers




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Best Buy

Conv/org zucchini & yellow squash are in good supply, good quality & still best buys. Baby green squash is all from MEX now. Hard squashes are also best buys though Kabocha squash is trending higher. Israeli squash blossoms are in good supply.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: Mexico Season: November - April Details:

Mexican growers have perfected the cultivation of summer yellow and zucchini in addition to hard shell squash and their native chayote. Today Mexico is a leading year-round suppliers to the U.S. 

Region: Ohio & Michigan Season: Late June - August Details:

Soft summer squashes flourish here in conjunction with our own local growing season. Winter squash varieties run from mid-Sept to mid-Oct in Ohio which is our greatest supplier in fall. They last in storage through winter.

Region: Northeast Season: Late June - December Details:

NJ is a major commercial grower of summer squash, here within a day of harvest. Local squash - both hard and soft shell, as well as zucchini blossoms. Summer squash ends locally in August and winter squash lasts into December.

Region: Holland Season: May - October Details:

Round 8 ball, gold bar, zucchini flowers and, occasionally, green zucchini are all imported sporadically from Holland during this period. Mini zucchini with blossoms attached are imported in limited amounts.

Region: California & Israel Season: Year - Round Details:

California is a leading supplier of fresh zucchini blossoms in summer when Israel gets too hot. Israeli zucchini blossoms are mainly a winter crop grown hydroponically and individually cello wrapped.

Prep & Storage

Frost shortens shelf life, so keep hard squash at room temperature and dry. 

Stone Fruit

Current Market

New! Gorgeous NZ Greengage plums are in. Australian Tasmanian red cherries continue. Conv yellow/white peaches & nectarines, red/black plums & Dapple Dandy pluots are all air-shipped from Chile. Org 2 layer Chilean yellow peaches/nectarines & org red plums (ZPLA1) are steady.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California/PNW Season: May - November Details:

Hundreds of stone fruit varieties are grown in the San Joaquin Valley of California and shipped to many locations around the world. White peaches are the first to arrive and late fall pluots last into November.

Region: Chile Season: November - April Details:

The U.S. is the world's largest importer of Chilean stone fruits during our winter season. The quality of Chilean fruits, including cherries, has likewise improved, keeping pace with increased production.

Region: Australia/New Zealand Season: February - March Details:

These southern hemisphere countries have a short season for some of the most perfect fruits you will see anytime of year. Apricots start first, followed by Greengage plums, Omega plums, Fortune plumsand colossal 10 row cherries.

Region: South Season: July - August Details:

Peaches and nectarines from Georgia and the Carolinas have a slightly different shape and acidity level than west coast peaches. Crop volumes are inconsistent from year to year due to weather variables.

Region: Northeast Season: July - early Sept. Details:

Local peaches in our region come mainly from Pennsylvania and New Jersey, with smaller amounts from NY. The Hudson Valley and Finger Lakes regions produce sweet and sour cherries which appear for a few fleeting weeks in early July.


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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

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Issues with supply, price or quality. 

MEX round, plum & grape tomatoes are still best buys. Backyard Farms cocktail tomatoes are very short, due to labor issues. Their medium vine tomatoes (TO5) are finishing & beefsteak flats (TO51) last only through mid-March; both return in May. Org Camparis are limited but org TOVs are plentiful.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: Florida Season: October - June Details:

Florida is the second-largest tomato-producing state next to California, and supplies most of the nation's winter crop. Commercial volume drops and prices are lowest from August to September when local tomatoes become availabile.

Region: Mexico Season: Year - Round Details:

Mexico now accounts for 71% of the U.S. import market for greenhouse tomatoes. The Baja peninsula is the greatest supplier of organically grown field tomatoes in the country.

Region: Canada Season: Year - Round Details:

Outdoor production is limited in Canada by the cool and short summer season. Innovative growers, and proximity to the biggest markets in North America, have resulted in the explosion of Canada's hothouse tomato industry.

Region: Northeast Season: July - October Details:

Long Island and the Hudson Valley of NY, NJ, and Pennsylvania produce the greatest amount of local tomatoes including heirlooms for our region. Several of our regional tomato growers are certified organic.

Region: South Season: June - August Details:

The Carolinas, TN, GA, and AL supply field-grown tomatoes for the commercial market starting in late spring. Edisto Island, off the coast of South Carolina, grows exceptional micro cherry and grape tomatoes that arrive early June.

Region: California Season: Year - Round Details:

We source small quantities of specialty organic tomatoes from here sporadically throughout the year. Organic Tasti Lees and Dry Farmed tomatoes are two examples.

Prep & Storage

Keep unripe green tomatoes, stem side down, in a paper bag or in a cardboard box in a single layer. Place in a cool area until they turn red in color. Perfectly ripe tomatoesshould be kept at room temperature on the counter away from sunlight

Tropical & Exotic Fruits

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Peak Season

Yellow, pink & white dragon fruit is from Vietnam & Ecuador. Kiwis are steady; cherimoyas are back in stock. FLA passion fruit is still tight, but not too pricey. Israeli Sharon fruit is in.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: Florida Season: Year round Details:

Florida star fruit (carambola) season last from May through February. Florida is a major year-round supplier of Passion Fruit when there are no prohibitive weather issues.

Region: New Zealand/Chile Season: Year round Details:

Feijoa grows in these two regions between March and May.Passion Fruit arrives late December and lasts until September. Golden Kiwi comes from the southern hemisphere May through November.

Region: Thailand Season: June - December Details:

In 2007, the USDA approved imports of irradiated Mangosteens from Thailand. Each fruit containes 4-8 lobes of very fragrant, pearly flesh that tastes like lychee and peaches combined.

Region: Taiwan/South Africa Season: Year - round Details:

Star Fruit is usually available year round from Taiwan. We source fresh lychee from South Africa between December and January. Tawainese Star Fruit season is from February through April

Region: Vietnam Season: Year round Details:

For much of the year, white/yellow fleshed Dragon Fruit comes from Vietnam. Domestic red fleshed Dragon Fruit is available from late summer through early fall. Rambutan runs from March through November.

Region: California Season: Year round Details:

Cherimoya runs from October to February. California Passion Fruit is usually in from January through September. Domestic Golden Kiwi is only around in fall.

Region: Central America Season: Year round Details:

Golden pineapples and bananas are primarily shipped from Costa Rica and Panama. Maradol papayas are from Guatemala year round.

Region: Italy Season: November - January Details:

Golden Kiwi from Italy are grown primarily in the Piedmont region and arrive on our shores in early November.

Region: South America Season: Year round Details:

Red papayas are available from Brazil year round. Bananas and Pineapples also come from Ecuador, Brazil and Colombia at different times throughout the year.

Region: Mexico Season: Year round Details:

Pineappleas and Bananas ship from our southern neighbor sporadically throughout the year.

Unique & Wild

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Peak Season

New crop, dark red rhubarb from Sterino Farms in WA has arrived. New wilds: stinging nettles, watercress & licorice root. Miner's lettuce & bay leaves are in shorter supply due to PNW storms over wkd. Org mustard flowers are new from Knoll Farms in CA. Wild ramps are 3-4 weeks away.

Seasonal Transitions

Region Season Details
Region: California Season: Year - Round Details:

Sour Armenian plums, Murray berries, orange Blossoms, fava leaves, spigarello, fresh garbanzo beans, green blueberries, mustard flowers, purslane and wild seabeans are early spring arrivals. Coraline frisee is year round.

Region: Pacific Northwest Season: February - July Details:

Spring Onions, Grape Blossoms, Maple Leaf Blossoms, and mountain huckleberries are just some of the exotic and/or unique crops that pop out between late winter through early summer.

Region: Belgium & Holland Season: Year - Round Details:

Friseline, Pineberries, strasberries are available at one time or another throughout the year.

Region: Northeast Season: June - October Details:

Organically grown edible weeds, flower, and seeds such as fennel flowers, oxalis, anise hyssop, spruce shoots, juniper berries and Autumn berries arrive in spring from MA and st into autumn. 

Region: Mexico Season: March - May Details:

Purslane is known to be one of the most nutritious plants on the planet. It grows wild in a spreading fashion in the summer months and can also be cultivated vertically.

Prep & Storage

Ripen star fruit at room temperature until you can smell their aroma then refrigerate for up to a week.